Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Orissa.

Odisha Minimum wages has been revised from 1st Apr 2022 to 30th Sep-2022 vide notification dated 30th Apr 2022

CategoryVDA per day
with effect from 
April 01, 2022
Minimum wages with
VDA with effect from 
April 01, 2022
UnskilledRs. 11.00Rs 326.00
Semi-skilledRs. 11.00Rs 366.00
SkilledRs. 11.00Rs 416.00
Highly SkilledRs. 11.00Rs 476.00

Posted by & filed under West Bengal -Profession tax.

Profession Tax :


Now therefore, in exercise of the power conferred upon me under rule !2 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Rules, 1979 the last date of filing return in Form-lll for the period mentioned below is extended as specified in the following table:

Any return for the said period of Y.E, 3L.03.22 having been filed within the extended date, vide this order, as specified in the Table above, with the tax payable there-under having been paid within 30.04.22, shall be deemed to have been furnished within the prescribed date in terms of the proviso to sub rule (2) of rule 1.2 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Rules, 1979, and accordingly no date fee shall be payable under sub-section (2) of section (6) for such return

Posted by & filed under Esic-Circulars.

Keeping in view the problems being faced by the Employers in depositing ESI contribution for the contribution period March 2022, the Director General in exercise  of powers  vested  under  Regulation  100  has  relaxed  the provision  as entered  in Regulations  26  & 31   of the  Employees’  State  Insurance  (General) Regulations, 1950.In this regard as a onetime opportunity,  employers are allowed to deposit contribution for the month of March 2022 up to 30.04.2022 instead of 15.04.2022.

Accordingly,   the   employers   are   also   allowed   to   file  the   Return   of contribution up to 26.05.2022  instead of  11.05.2022  for the contribution period from October, 2021 to March, 2022. .

Only Payment due date has been extended & return of contribution due date has been extended

Posted by & filed under ESIC-Hospital.

Pls find below is the list of

  1. List of Secondary Medical Arrangements in Nine Districts of Maharashtra region
  2. Updated List of SST Hospitals-Maharashtra
  3. Lists of secondary tie-up hospitals in 22 Districts of Maharashtra region
  4. Updated list of Tie up hospitals for Superspeciality Treatment -Maharashtra

Posted by & filed under Esic-Circulars.

  1. After the enhancement in duration of maternity benefit to 26 weeks from 12 earlier, in some cases insured women were not eligible to avail sickness benefit in the corresponding benefit period after availing maternity benefit. This is because the mandatory contributory conditions of minimum 78 days were not met being the insured women under receipt of maternity benefit and leave.
  2. In order to make such insured woman entitled to sickness benefit also, this amendment is made and inserts a new proviso to Rule 55(1).

ESIC Central Rule 55 amended. As per this amendment an Insured Woman who availed Maternity Benefit need not pay 70 days contribution to become entitled to Sickness Benefit in the following Benefit Period. She need contribute only for the half number of remaining days in the relevant Contribution Period. Before this amendment many Insured Women who availed Maternity Benefit were deprived of Sickness Benefit for want of 70 days contribution. To get over this injustice the Rule has been amended that also with effect from 20.1.2017.

Posted by & filed under Tamil Nadu Shop.

Tamilnadu government jobs... - Tamilnadu government jobs

The Government of Tamil Nadu vide a notification dated 30th March 2022 publishes the Amendments to the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules which deletes the Form P (a Register of Fines, deductions for Damages or Loss and Advances) and Q (register of wages) and inserts new Forms U, V, W and X to the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules, 1948. The amendment also makes way to the employers to maintain registers electronically. The changes brought by the amendment are as follows-

  1. Form P and Form R is removed as Rule 11(4) and 11(5) shall be omitted. Prior to the amendment, Rule 11(4) provided that every employer shall maintain a Register of Fines, deductions for Damages or Loss and Advances in Form P; and Rule 11(5) provided that -every employer shall maintain a register of wages in Form R in his establishment.
  2. Rule 16(1) is substituted and provides that-every employer shall maintain.-
    1. Register of persons employed in Form-U;
    2. Register of Employment in Form-V;
    3. Register of Wages in Form-W; and
    4. Register of Leave and Social Security Benefits in Form-X.
  3. New Rule 16(1)(b) is inserted which provides that- the registers shall be maintained either electronically or manually. If the registers are maintained in electronic form, the layout and presentation of the registers may be adjusted without changing the integrity, serial number and contents of the columns of the registers.
  4. New Form U (Employee Register) is inserted.
  5. New Form V (Register of Employment) is inserted.
  6. New Form W (Register of Wages) is inserted.
  7. New Form X (Register of leave and social security benefits) is inserted.