The EPF Act and Scheme Amended w.e.f 01-09-2014;Salient Features are;1. Wages Ceiling of EPF increase to Rs. 15000.2. Minimum pension Rs. 1000 for 2014-15.3. EDLI benefit increase by 20 percent. EPF & EPS Scheme Amended from 1st Sep-2014
Monthly Archives: August 2014
RBI’s Recent simplified KYC Measures for Opening Bank account
Dear Sir, The Reserve Bank of India today released a note along with a poster and a booklet comprising a few common questions relating to Know Your Customer (KYC) norms for opening bank accounts. The objective of this is to bring awareness among the general public about the KYC simplification measures taken by the Reserve… Read more »
Maharashtra Minimum Wages ( Special allowance W.E.F 1st July 2014 to 31st Dec-2014)
Dear All,,Pls refer to the said attachment as attach below is the Maharashtra Minimum Wages ( Special allowance W.E.F 1st July 2014 to 31st Dec-2014) Maharashtra Minimum Wages ( Special allowance W.E.F 1st July 2014 to 31st Dec-2014)
EPFO New Circular for Withdrawal under para 68 B
Dear All, Pls find attach EPFO new circular for withdrawal under para 68 b ,,this will help employee to get advance from his EPF without any headache.. EPFO New Circular for Withdrawal under para 68 B
Social Security Agreement between Republic of India and the Kingdom of Sweden
Dear All, EPFO has entered in to Social Security Agreement between Republic of India and the Kingdom of Sweden appende d below is the Notification of the same Social Security Agreement between Republic of India and the Kingdom of Sweden
implementation of Agreement on Social Security with the Republic of Finland with effect from 1st August, 2014
Dear all, Implementation of Agreement on Social Security with the Republic of Finland with effect from 1st August, 2014 Appended Below is the copy of the sameImplementation of Agreement on Social Security with the Republic of Finland with effect from 1st August, 2014