Posted by & filed under Maharashtra-Shop& Establishment.

Understanding the Latest Amendments to the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, 2017

The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017, has recently been updated with significant amendments. These changes, introduced by the Maharashtra Government on 22nd July 2024, aim to improve compliance and ensure better protection for both establishments and their employees.

In this blog, we delve into the specifics of these amendments, providing a detailed explanation to help businesses understand and implement the new requirements effectively.

Overview of the Amendment

On 22nd July 2024, the Government of Maharashtra issued Notification No. MS&EA-08/2021/C.R.153/Labour-10, introducing amendments to the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2018. These amendments were made under the authority of sub-section (1) of section 37 of the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, 2017, and were previously published as required by sub-section (2) of section 37.

Key Changes in the Amendment

The focus of these amendments is on the inclusion of the requirement for establishments to maintain an insurance certificate. This is a crucial step towards ensuring that all establishments are adequately insured, providing a safety net for employees and the business. Below is a detailed explanation of the changes in tabular format:

Detailed Amendments to Forms and Schedules


Original Entry

New Entry


Form ‘A’

After entry 13

13A Insurance certificate of establishment

This insertion mandates that establishments must now include an insurance certificate.

Form ‘D’

After entry 13

13A Insurance certificate of establishment

This insertion requires the insurance certificate for compliance and verification purposes.

Form ‘F’

After entry 11

11A Insurance certificate of establishment

Establishments must provide the insurance certificate to meet the new regulatory requirements.

Form ‘R’

After entry 7

7A Insurance policy number and date of validity of insurance policy of establishment

This entry adds the need to specify the insurance policy number and its validity date.

Detailed Amendments to Schedule


Original Entry

New Entry



After sub-entry (3)

(3A) Copy of insurance certificate of the establishment

Establishments are required to submit a copy of their insurance certificate.


After sub-entry (4)

(4A) Copy of insurance certificate of the establishment

This amendment ensures establishments maintain a valid insurance certificate for compliance.


After sub-entry (2)

(3) Copy of insurance certificate of the establishment

Adding this entry standardizes the requirement for an insurance certificate across forms.

Implications of the Amendments

The inclusion of insurance certificate requirements in various forms and schedules ensures that all establishments under the Act maintain adequate insurance coverage. This provides several benefits:

  1. Employee Protection: Ensures employees are covered under an insurance policy, enhancing their safety and security.
  2. Compliance: Standardizes the requirement across different forms, simplifying the process for establishments to comply with the Act.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Helps businesses mitigate risks associated with unforeseen events by having a valid insurance policy in place.


The recent amendments to the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, 2017, reflect the Government’s commitment to enhancing workplace safety and compliance. By mandating the inclusion of insurance certificates, the amendments ensure that establishments are better prepared to handle risks and provide a safer working environment for their employees.

Posted by & filed under Provident Fund - (Notification -Circulars).

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is set to conduct its monthly Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0 camps across various districts in India on 29th July 2024. This initiative is part of EPFO’s ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility, service delivery, and stakeholder engagement.

Overview of Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0

Launched on 27th January 2023, Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0 is an upgraded version of EPFO’s outreach program aimed at providing a comprehensive platform for grievance redressal, information dissemination, and direct interaction with district-level authorities. Held on the 27th of every month, or the next working day if the 27th is a holiday, the program ensures that EPFO services reach even the remotest areas.

Key Objectives:

  • Grievance Redressal: Immediate resolution of issues and registration of unresolved grievances for priority handling.
  • Information Exchange: Direct interaction with district authorities and dissemination of the latest updates, policies, and benefits.
  • Service Access: On-site assistance with online services like claim filing, status checking, and member detail updates.

Detailed Venue Information

The EPFO has strategically chosen venues for the camps to maximize accessibility and participation. Typically, these venues are large community halls or public buildings that can accommodate many participants.

Complete Venue List: For a detailed list of all venues across various districts, stakeholders are enclosed below.

Program Structure and Activities

  1. Help Desks:
    • Each venue will have multiple help desks staffed by EPFO officials.
    • These desks will provide assistance with online services, claim filing, and updating member details.
  2. Grievance Redressal:
    • On-the-spot resolution of grievances by EPFO officials.
    • Registration of unresolved grievances on the EPFO portal for prioritized resolution.
  3. Information Sessions:
    • Informative sessions on the latest EPFO policies and benefits.
    • Interaction with district-level authorities for direct information exchange.
  4. Digital Support:
    • Digital screens and posters displaying EPFO services and guidelines.
    • Availability of online tools for members to access EPFO services.

Expected Benefits and Impact

1. Increased Accessibility:

  • The program ensures that EPFO services reach remote districts without EPFO offices, increasing accessibility for all stakeholders.

2. Efficient Service Delivery:

  • Immediate grievance redressal and on-site assistance significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

3. Enhanced Public Satisfaction:

  • Direct interaction with EPFO officials and district authorities enhances transparency, trust, and satisfaction among members.

4. Comprehensive Coverage:

  • With over 500 districts covered, the program aims to provide seamless social security services across the country.

Participation and Support

EPFO has called upon all stakeholders, including employees, employers, and pensioners, to actively participate in these camps. District Collectors and local authorities have been instructed to provide full support to ensure the success of the outreach program. Members of the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) are also encouraged to participate and guide EPFO officials.


The Nidhi Aapke Nikat 2.0 camps on 29th July 2024 are a testament to EPFO’s commitment to enhancing service delivery and stakeholder engagement. By bringing EPFO services closer to the members, the program ensures that social security benefits are accessible to all, thereby promoting a more inclusive and efficient system.

Posted by & filed under Income Tax.

The full-fledged budget for 2024, announced on 23rd July 2024, has introduced significant changes that will impact personal finance. This article explores these changes in detail, highlighting how they will affect various aspects of your financial life.

1. Employment Linked Benefit

For First Timers: A new scheme will provide a one-month wage to all newly entering the workforce in formal sectors. This direct benefit transfer of up to Rs. 15,000 will be given in three installments to first-time employees registered with the EPFO. The eligibility limit is a salary of Rs. 1 lakh per month, aiming to benefit 210 lakh youth.

For the Manufacturing Sector: Employees and employers will receive incentives for their EPFO contributions for the first four years of employment.

Support for Employers: The government will reimburse employers up to Rs. 3,000 per month for two years towards their EPFO contribution for each additional employee earning a salary up to Rs. 1 lakh a month.


Benefit Description

Eligibility Criteria


First Timers

One-month wage (up to Rs. 15,000) in 3 installments

New workforce entrants, salary up to Rs. 1 lakh

3 installments

Manufacturing Sector

Incentives for EPFO contributions

Employees and employers in manufacturing

First 4 years


Reimbursement up to Rs. 3,000 per month for EPFO contribution

Employers with additional employees, salary up to Rs. 1 lakh

2 years

2. Discounted Education Loan

Students can now avail of education loans up to Rs. 10,00,000 for higher education in domestic institutions. A 3% discount is available for those who haven’t benefited from any government schemes and policies.

Loan Amount

Interest Rate Discount

Eligibility Criteria

Up to Rs. 10,00,000

3% discount on interest rate

Students not eligible for other government benefits

3. NPS Vatsalya for Your Child

The minimum age limit for entering the NPS has been removed, allowing minors to participate through the NPS-Vatsalya plan. Parents and guardians can contribute, and the plan can seamlessly convert into a regular NPS account when the child reaches adulthood.

Scheme Name

Key Features


NPS Vatsalya

Allows minors to participate, contributions by parents/guardians

Converts to regular NPS account at adulthood

4. Gold and Silver Will Be Cheaper

To boost domestic value addition in Jewellery, customs duties on gold and silver have been reduced from 10% to 6%, and on platinum to 6.4%.


Previous Duty

New Duty










5. Simplification of Income Tax Reassessment

Reassessments can now be reopened beyond three years from the end of the assessment year only if the escaped income is Rs. 50 lakh or more, and up to a maximum period of five years. In search cases, the time limit is reduced to six years before the year of search from the current ten years.


Previous Limit

New Limit

General Reassessment

Can reopen up to 10 years if income escaped assessment

Can reopen up to 3 years if income escaped assessment is Rs. 50 lakh or more

Search Cases

Up to 10 years

Up to 6 years

6. Capital Gains Tax Changes

Short-term Capital Gains Tax: Increased from 15% to 20% for specified financial assets for the year 2024-2025.

Long-term Gains Tax: On all financial and non-financial assets will be taxed at 12.5%.

Exemptions on Capital Gains: Increased to Rs. 1.25 lakh per year from the previous Rs. 1 lakh per year.

Type of Gain

Previous Rate

New Rate

Short-term Capital Gains



Long-term Capital Gains



Exemption Limit

Rs. 1 lakh

Rs. 1.25 lakh

7. Employer Contribution to NPS Limit Increased

For private sector employees, the employer’s contribution limit to NPS has increased from 10% to 14% of salary (Basic + DA). This change is beneficial for those opting for the new tax regime.


Previous Contribution Limit

New Contribution Limit

Private Sector

10% of salary

14% of salary

8. ESOP Reporting Limitation Enhanced

Non-reporting of small foreign assets up to Rs. 20 lakh by Indian professionals working in multinationals will now be de-penalized, reducing the burden under the Black Money Act.

Type of Asset

Previous Penalty

New Penalty

Small Foreign Assets

Penal consequences under Black Money Act

De-penalized for non-reporting up to Rs. 20 lakh

9. Standard Deduction Increased for New Tax Regime

The standard deduction for salaried employees has been increased from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000. For pensioners, the deduction on family pension is enhanced from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000.


Previous Deduction

New Deduction

Salaried Employees

Rs. 50,000

Rs. 75,000


Rs. 15,000

Rs. 25,000

10. Tax Slab Rates Enhanced for New Tax Regime

While the old tax regime remains unchanged, the new tax regime has revised tax slabs to be more attractive.

Income Slab

Previous Rate

New Rate

Up to Rs. 2.5 lakh



Rs. 2.5 lakh – Rs. 5 lakhs



Rs. 5 lakh – Rs. 7.5 lakh



Rs. 7.5 lakh – Rs. 10 lakhs



Rs. 10 lakh – Rs. 12.5 lakh



Rs. 12.5 lakh – Rs. 15 lakhs



Above Rs. 15 lakhs




The Budget 2024 brings a mix of benefits and adjustments to support employment, education, savings, and investment. These changes aim to boost the economy while providing relief and opportunities for individuals and businesses. Stay informed and adapt to these changes to maximize your financial benefits.


This article was written based on the current information available. Updates will be provided as further clarity emerges on these announcements.

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages Andaman Nicobar.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration has recently issued a significant update regarding the minimum wages for various categories of workers, which took effect from July 1, 2024. This revision is a crucial step in ensuring fair compensation for labor in the region, aligning with the statutory requirements of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. In this detailed blog post, we will delve into the specifics of this notification, the rationale behind the revision, its implications, and how it compares to previous wage standards.

Background and Legislative Framework

The revision of minimum wages is mandated by the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a cornerstone legislation that aims to protect workers from exploitation by ensuring they receive a minimum level of remuneration for their work. The Act empowers the government to fix and periodically revise minimum wages for various employment categories. The latest notification from the Andaman and Nicobar Administration, dated July 12, 2024, falls under this legislative framework, ensuring that wages are adjusted in accordance with changes in the cost of living.

Details of the Revised Minimum Wages

The revised minimum wages, effective from July 1, 2024, are categorized into four distinct segments based on the skill level and nature of the work. The updated rates are as follows:

The table below provides a detailed breakdown of the revised minimum wages for various categories of employees in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as per the notification dated July 12, 2024.

Category of Employees

Minimum Wage per Day (₹)

Unskilled Workers


Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory Workers


Skilled/Clerical Workers


Highly Skilled Workers


Background Information

  • Legislation: The revision follows the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.
  • Effective Date: July 1, 2024.
  • Notification Date: July 12, 2024.
  • Previous Notification: December 27, 2023 (Notification No. 133/2023/F).
  • Revision Frequency: Six-monthly, based on the Average All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) from October 2023 to March 2024.

Comparison with Previous Wages

Category of Employees

Previous Wage per Day (₹) (Dec 2023)

Revised Wage per Day (₹) (July 2024)

Increase (₹)

Unskilled Workers




Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory Workers




Skilled/Clerical Workers




Highly Skilled Workers








– Improved living standards- Increased motivation and productivity


– Compliance with new wage standards- Budget adjustments to accommodate increased labor costs


– Boost in consumer spending- Reduction in poverty levels

Enforcement and Compliance

  • Enforcing Authority: Office of the Labour Commissioner, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Stakeholder Awareness: Notification disseminated to all relevant authorities and stakeholders, including government departments, industrial establishments, and local bodies.


The revised minimum wages effective from July 1, 2024, represent a crucial update to ensure fair compensation for workers in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. By periodically revising wages in accordance with economic indicators, the administration safeguards the living standards of its workforce, contributing to the overall economic stability and growth of the region.

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-WestBengal.

The Government of West Bengal has issued a new circular detailing the updated minimum wages for employees across various scheduled employments. These updated wages are applicable from July 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. This comprehensive update ensures fair compensation and reflects the state’s commitment to labour rights.

Zone Classifications:

  • Zone A: Areas under Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Notified Areas, Development Authorities, Thermal Power Plant areas including Township Areas.
  • Zone B: Rest of West Bengal.

Detailed Minimum Wages for Scheduled Employments

Scheduled Employment


Zone A (Per Month)

Zone A (Per Day)

Zone B (Per Month)

Zone B (Per Day)

Manufacturing Activity


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363

Automobile Engineering Repairing Workshops & Garages


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Beverage Manufacturing & Vending Establishments


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Biscuit Manufacturing


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Bottling and Packaging Industry


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Clinical Establishments


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Confectionery and Sweets Manufacturing


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Consumer Cooperative Societies, Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies / Marketing Societies


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Courier Service


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Engineering Units Employing Less Than 50 Persons


Rs. 9953

Rs. 383

Rs. 9443

Rs. 363

Establishments Under the Shops & Establishments Act, 1963


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Floor and Wall Tiles Manufacturing


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Garments Manufacturing Industry


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Glass Industry


Rs. 9953

Rs. 383

Rs. 9443

Rs. 363


Rs. 10948

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12044

Rs. 463

Rs. 11425

Rs. 439

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13248

Rs. 510

Rs. 12570

Rs. 483

Hotels and Restaurants Including Boarding Houses, Eating Houses, Canteens, Clubs and Guest Houses


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Highly Skilled

Rs. 13252

Rs. 510

Rs. 12572

Rs. 484

Ice Cream and Candy Manufacturing


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363

Ice Factory


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363


Rs. 10952

Rs. 421

Rs. 10387

Rs. 400


Rs. 12048

Rs. 463

Rs. 11427

Rs. 440

Information Technology Industry


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363

Jewellery Manufacturing Industry


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363

Laundries, Laundry Services, Cleaning & Dyeing Plants & Shops


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363

Leather Goods Manufactory


Rs. 9956

Rs. 383

Rs. 9445

Rs. 363



Key Provisions:

  1. Daily Rate Calculation: Monthly rate divided by 26.
  2. Weekly Rate Calculation: Daily rate multiplied by 6.
  3. Working Hours: Eight hours of actual work per day with not less than half an hour of recess; 48 hours of actual work per week.
  4. Weekly Rest: One day in any period of seven days.
  5. Overtime Payment: Double the ordinary rates for work done on the day of weekly rest and beyond normal working hours.
  6. Higher Existing Wages: Existing higher rates of wages are protected.
  7. Contract Workers: Applicable to employees employed by contractors.
  8. Wages for Disabled Persons: Same as payable to workers of appropriate category.
  9. Gender Equality: Same rates of wages for men and women for the same work or work of similar nature.
  10. Minimum Wages Composition: Includes variable dearness allowance, if any, under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.

The updated minimum wage rates aim to ensure fair compensation for workers across various industries in West Bengal, reflecting the state’s commitment to protecting labour rights.

This information is issued with the approval of the Labour Commissioner, West Bengal.

For further details, refer to the full circular issued by the Labour Commissionerate.

Posted by & filed under Provident Fund Benefits.

The Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) has introduced a new facility aimed at simplifying the process for employers to submit Joint Declaration (JD) requests. This development is particularly beneficial for those members whose Universal Account Numbers (UANs) are not linked with Aadhar or for those who face difficulties accessing the Member E-SEWA portal. This article delves into the intricacies of this new facility, highlighting its benefits, requirements, and the step-by-step process for employers to leverage this feature.

Understanding the New EPF Facility

The new EPF facility allows registered employers to initiate online JD requests by uploading the required request forms and documents. These forms and documents must be duly signed and submitted by the EPF members. This facility is a significant step forward in digitalizing the EPF processes, reducing the dependency on physical forms, and streamlining the workflow for both employers and employees.

Who Can Benefit from This Facility?

This facility is specifically designed for:

  • UANs Not Linked with Aadhar: Members whose UANs are not linked with their Aadhar can use this facility to submit their JD requests.
  • Members Unable to Access Member E-SEWA Portal: This includes members who face technical or access issues with the Member E-SEWA portal.

By addressing these two categories, the EPF ensures that more members can conveniently manage their accounts without the need for physical documentation.

Key Requirements for Employers

To use this facility, employers must meet certain requirements:

  1. EPF Registration: Employers must be registered with the EPF.
  2. Active E-Sign: Employers need an active E-Sign to authenticate and submit the documents online. The E-Signature ensures that the submissions are legally valid and secure.
  3. Access to Employer Portal: Employers must have access to the EPF Employer Portal where this facility is available.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the New Facility

  1. Login to the Employer Portal: Employers must log in to the EPF Employer Portal using their credentials.
  2. Navigate to JD Request Section: Once logged in, navigate to the section where JD requests can be initiated.
  3. Upload Required Documents: Upload the request forms and documents as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) laid down by EPFO. Ensure that all documents are duly signed by both the EPF members and the employer. If any document is not signed by either the member or the employer, the submission will be rejected.
  4. Authenticate Using E-Sign: Use your active E-Sign to authenticate the documents. This step is crucial as it ensures the legal validity of the submission.
  5. Submit the Request: After authentication, submit the JD request. The system will provide a confirmation receipt for the submission, which can be used for future reference.

Advantages of the New EPF Facility

The new EPF facility offers several advantages:

  • Convenience: The ability to submit JD requests online eliminates the need for physical forms, making the process more convenient for employers and employees alike.
  • Time-Saving: Digital submissions are faster and reduce the time taken to process JD requests.
  • Accessibility: Members who cannot access the Member E-SEWA portal or whose UANs are not linked with Aadhar can still manage their EPF accounts effectively.
  • Security: The use of E-Sign ensures that submissions are secure and legally binding.


The new EPF facility for initiating online JD requests is a significant step towards digitalization and efficiency in the management of EPF accounts. By understanding the requirements and following the outlined steps, employers can leverage this facility to streamline their processes and provide better service to their employees. This initiative not only enhances the convenience for employers but also ensures that all EPF members can manage their accounts seamlessly, regardless of their ability to access the Member E-SEWA portal or link their UAN with Aadhar.

For any further assistance or queries regarding the new EPF facility, employers are encouraged to contact the EPF helpdesk or refer to the detailed guidelines available on the EPF Employer Portal.

Posted by & filed under ESIC.

Managing employee benefits and contributions is a critical responsibility for employers in India, and the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) facilitates this process. However, there are times when the ESIC payment link provided by the corporation may not function correctly, causing delays and complications. Fortunately, there is an alternative solution available through the ESIC portal, utilizing the double verification of the challan module. In this blog article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the alternative ESIC payment process, ensuring you can manage payments efficiently even if the primary link fails.

The Importance of an Alternative Payment Method

Payment issues can arise due to various reasons such as technical glitches, server downtime, or connectivity problems. These issues can lead to significant delays and stress, especially when it comes to meeting statutory deadlines. The alternative method of payment via the ESIC portal ensures that employers can still fulfill their obligations without any hindrance. This alternative method leverages the double verification of the challan module, a robust feature of the ESIC portal.

Detailed Step-by-Step Guide to Alternative ESIC Payment

  1. Login to the ESIC Portal:
    • Begin by opening your web browser and navigating to the official ESIC portal (
    • Enter your User ID and Password to log into your ESIC account securely.
  2. Access the Challan Module:
    • Once logged in, locate the ‘Challan’ module on the dashboard or in the menu options. The layout may vary slightly depending on updates to the portal, but the module is typically easy to find.
    • Click on the ‘Challan’ module to proceed to the next section where you can manage and verify challans.
  3. Utilize Double Verification:
    • In the Challan module, you will find an option labeled ‘Double Verification’. This feature is designed to verify the details of the challan before proceeding with the payment.
    • Click on ‘Double Verification’ to open the verification interface.
  4. Enter the Challan Number:
    • The interface will prompt you to input the Challan number associated with the payment. The Challan number is a unique identifier for your payment and is crucial for verification.
    • Carefully enter the correct Challan number and double-check for accuracy to avoid any errors that could complicate the payment process.
  5. Initiate Payment:
    • After entering the Challan number, the system will display the option to make a payment. This ensures that you have verified the challan details before proceeding.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to move forward with the payment process. The portal will guide you through each step.
  6. Choose Your Payment Method:
    • The ESIC portal offers multiple payment methods, including Net Banking, Debit Card, and Credit Card. Choose the method that is most convenient and secure for you.
    • Complete the payment process by following the prompts provided by the portal. Ensure you are using a secure internet connection to protect your financial information.
  7. Confirmation of Payment:
    • Once the payment is successful, the system will display a confirmation message. This confirmation serves as proof of payment and includes important details such as the transaction ID and amount paid.
    • Save or print the confirmation for your records. It is essential to keep a copy of this confirmation for future reference and compliance purposes.

Advantages of Using the Double Verification Module

  • Reliability: The alternative payment method via double verification is reliable, ensuring that payments can be made even if the primary link is down.
  • Security: Payments made through the ESIC portal are secure and protected against fraudulent activities. The double verification process adds an extra layer of security.
  • Convenience: Employers can manage and track their payments directly from the ESIC portal, making the process more streamlined and efficient. The ability to handle everything from one interface reduces the need for multiple systems and processes.

Tips for a Smooth Payment Process

  • Double-Check Details: Always double-check the Challan number and payment details before proceeding. Errors in these details can lead to delays or incorrect payments.
  • Use Secure Networks: Ensure you are using a secure internet connection to avoid any security breaches. Public Wi-Fi networks are not recommended for financial transactions.
  • Keep Records: Maintain a record of all payment confirmations and transactions for future reference and compliance purposes. Proper documentation can help resolve any disputes or issues that arise later.


In the event that the ESIC payment link is not functioning, the alternative method of using the double verification of the challan module on the ESIC portal provides a seamless solution. By following the steps outlined above, employers can ensure that their ESIC payments are completed without any disruptions, maintaining compliance with statutory requirements and ensuring the well-being of their employees. Stay proactive and prepared by familiarizing yourself with this alternative payment method to handle any potential payment issues efficiently.

This detailed guide aims to empower employers with the knowledge to navigate the ESIC payment process smoothly, ensuring that their obligations are met promptly and securely.

Posted by & filed under Provident fund -News.

Streamlining Employee Record Updates: The New Joint Declaration Filing Feature Under EPFO

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has introduced a new feature to simplify the process of updating employee details. The “Joint Declaration Filing” option is now available online, allowing employers to submit joint declaration forms electronically. This significant enhancement aims to streamline the correction of crucial member details such as name, date of birth, and other personal information, thereby ensuring better account management and timely disbursement of benefits.

Importance of the “Joint Declaration Filing” Feature

The introduction of the “Joint Declaration Filing” feature is a critical step towards enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the EPFO system. This feature addresses common discrepancies in employee records, which, if left unresolved, can lead to significant issues in managing provident fund accounts and disbursing benefits.

Key Benefits:

  1. Streamlined Process:
    • Efficiency: Traditionally, joint declaration forms had to be submitted manually, involving substantial paperwork and prolonged processing times. The online filing option significantly reduces this burden, making the process faster and more efficient.
    • Convenience: Employers can now file corrections without the need for physical forms, making the process more convenient and less time-consuming. This feature is accessible from anywhere, eliminating the need for physical presence or the mailing of documents.
  2. Accuracy:
    • Data Integrity: Accurate and up-to-date member details are crucial for smooth transactions, including withdrawals, transfers, and benefit claims. The online system ensures that details like name, date of birth, and gender are correct, preventing issues during these transactions.
    • Error Reduction: By minimizing manual paperwork, the online submission system reduces the risk of errors, such as data entry mistakes or lost documents, ensuring higher data accuracy.
  3. Compliance:
    • Regulatory Adherence: Maintaining accurate employee records is a legal requirement under the EPF Act. The online filing system helps employers stay compliant by providing a streamlined way to update records and ensuring all member details are verified and correct.
    • Audit Trail: The system maintains an audit trail of all changes made, which is useful for compliance audits and resolving any future disputes. This ensures that employers have proper documentation for any changes made to employee records.

Responsibilities of Employees and Employers

For Employees:

  1. Provide Accurate Information:
    • Initial Submission: When joining an organization, employees must ensure that all personal details provided are accurate and supported by valid documents.
    • Ongoing Updates: Employees should promptly inform their employer of any changes in personal information, such as name changes due to marriage, corrections in date of birth records, or updates in contact details.
  2. Verify Details:
    • Regular Checks: Employees should regularly check their EPF statements and records to ensure that all information is correct. Immediate reporting of any discrepancies is crucial for timely correction.

For Employers:

  1. Accurate Data Entry:
    • Initial Recording: Employers must ensure that employee details are entered accurately into the EPF system at the time of joining. Cross-checking the provided information with supporting documents is essential to prevent errors.
    • Prompt Updates: Employers should ensure that any changes in employee details are promptly updated through the online joint declaration filing system. Maintaining proper documentation for any changes made is also important.
  2. Compliance Management:
    • Regular Review: Regularly reviewing EPF records ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Employers should educate employees about the importance of accurate EPF records and the process for making corrections.
    • System Utilization: Providing training for HR personnel on using the new online filing system effectively maximizes efficiency. Utilizing the online system to reduce processing time and increase accuracy is beneficial for all stakeholders.

By adopting the “Joint Declaration Filing” feature, both employees and employers can ensure that EPF records are accurate, compliant, and up-to-date. This facilitates smoother transactions, timely benefit disbursements, and a better overall experience for all stakeholders involved. The EPFO’s move towards digital transformation through this feature is a commendable step towards enhancing the efficiency and reliability of the provident fund management system.


The EPFO’s new Joint Declaration Filing feature is a game-changer for employers and employees alike. By providing a streamlined, accurate, and compliant method for updating employee details, it addresses the common pain points associated with manual submissions. This digital transformation ensures that EPF records are maintained correctly, facilitating smooth transactions and timely benefit disbursements. Embracing this new feature is a step towards a more efficient and transparent provident fund management system, benefiting all parties involved.

Posted by & filed under Tamil Nadu Shop.

The Tamil Nadu government has recently introduced significant amendments to the Shops and Establishments Act, aimed at modernizing the registration process, enhancing compliance, and improving workplace safety. These changes, brought into effect from July 2, 2024, mark a substantial shift in the regulatory landscape, ensuring that businesses operate smoothly, and employees are better protected. Here’s a detailed look at these amendments and their implications for establishments in Tamil Nadu.

Streamlined Registration Process: A Digital Transformation

One of the most notable changes is the move towards digitalization. The new rules mandate that all applications for registration, as well as amendments to existing registrations, be submitted online through the Labour Department’s designated web portal. This shift not only simplifies the process but also ensures a quicker turnaround.

  • Form-Y: Establishments must now apply for registration using Form-Y, paying a nominal fee of Rs. 100. The application requires comprehensive details about the establishment, including its name, nature of business, contact information, and the names of owners or authorized persons.
  • Form-Z: The Inspector is required to issue the registration certificate within 24 hours of receiving the application. This certificate, provided in Form-Z, serves as official proof of registration, detailing the establishment’s name, address, and maximum number of employees permitted.
  • Form-ZA and Form-ZB: The new rules also introduce Form-ZA for maintaining a register of shops and establishments and Form-ZB for existing establishments to furnish their details.

These changes not only expedite the registration process but also ensure that all establishments are accurately recorded and compliant with the new regulations.

Enhanced Workplace Safety: Mandatory First-Aid Facilities

Workplace safety has been given a significant boost with the introduction of Rule 6A, which mandates that every establishment provide a first-aid box. The requirements are clear:

  • First-aid Box: Establishments must provide a first-aid box for every 150 employees or part thereof. The box should be distinctively marked with a red cross on a white background and contain essential first-aid materials.
  • Maintenance and Recoupment: The first-aid box must be maintained in a state of readiness, and arrangements should be made for immediate replenishment when necessary.

This rule ensures that employees have access to basic medical supplies in case of minor injuries, fostering a safer and more responsive workplace environment.

Stricter Penalties for Non-Compliance

To ensure strict adherence to the new rules, the government has increased the penalties for certain violations. The fine for non-compliance has been raised from fifty rupees to two thousand rupees. This substantial increase underscores the government’s commitment to enforcing these regulations and ensuring that establishments take their responsibilities seriously.

Comprehensive Data Collection

The new amendments require establishments to provide detailed information about their operations, including the number of employees and their gender distribution. This data collection is crucial for the Labour Department to monitor compliance and ensure that establishments are adhering to the regulations.

  • Information Required: Employers must provide detailed information, including the number of men, women, and young persons employed. Additionally, they must certify that their name boards are displayed in Tamil, as prescribed by rule 15.
  • Declaration: Employers must certify the accuracy of the information provided, with legal consequences for false information.

Impact on Businesses

These amendments have a profound impact on businesses operating in Tamil Nadu. The shift to online processes reduces the administrative burden and accelerates the registration and amendment procedures. Enhanced workplace safety measures and stricter penalties ensure that establishments prioritize employee welfare and regulatory compliance.

For business owners, these changes mean a more efficient and transparent process for setting up and operating establishments. The digitalization of applications and certificates reduces the need for physical paperwork and visits to government offices, saving time and resources. Additionally, the mandatory first-aid facilities and increased penalties for non-compliance underscore the importance of maintaining a safe and compliant workplace.


The amendments to the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act and Rules signify a new era of regulatory compliance and workplace safety. By embracing digitalization, enhancing safety measures, and imposing stricter penalties, the Tamil Nadu government is ensuring that businesses operate efficiently while prioritizing employee welfare. Establishments in Tamil Nadu must adapt to these changes to ensure compliance and contribute to a safer and more productive work environment.

These reforms are a testament to the government’s commitment to modernizing regulatory processes and fostering a business-friendly environment. As businesses navigate these changes, they will find that the streamlined processes and enhanced safety measures ultimately lead to a more robust and resilient operational framework.

Posted by & filed under Punjab -Shop & Establishment.

On June 25, 2024, the Chandigarh Administration Labour Department issued a pivotal notification impacting all shops and commercial establishments in the Union Territory of Chandigarh. This notification, published in the official Gazette, provides exemptions under certain sections of the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958, allowing greater operational flexibility for businesses. This detailed analysis delves into the specific exemptions, conditions, and implications of this notification for businesses and employees.

Overview of the Exemption Notification

The notification exempts shops and commercial establishments in Chandigarh from the following sections of the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958:

  1. Section 9: Relates to the prescribed opening and closing hours of shops.
  2. Sub-Section (1) of Section 10: Governs the daily and weekly hours of work, including intervals for rest.
  3. Section 30: Concerns holidays and leave provisions.

This exemption enables these establishments to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, significantly enhancing their ability to serve customers and optimize business operations.

Conditions for Exemption

While the exemption offers extended operational hours, it is subject to several conditions to safeguard the rights and welfare of employees. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of these conditions:

  1. Effective Date and Duration:
    • The exemption is effective from the date of publication in the official Gazette.
    • It remains applicable unless specifically revoked by the authorities.
  2. Weekly Rest for Employees:
    • Employees must be granted one day of rest per week without any deduction in wages.
    • A timetable of these holidays must be displayed on the notice board in advance to ensure transparency and compliance.
  3. Work Hours and Rest Periods:
    • Employees should not work for more than 9 hours a day or 48 hours a week.
    • After five continuous hours of work, employees are entitled to a rest period of at least half an hour.
  4. Night Operations:
    • Establishments operating beyond 10:00 PM must ensure adequate safety and security arrangements for both employees and visitors.
    • This includes the provision of proper lighting, security personnel, and surveillance systems to prevent any untoward incidents.

Special Provisions for Female Employees

Recognizing the importance of women’s safety in the workplace, the notification includes several specific provisions to protect female employees:

  1. Work Hours and Safety:
    • Female employees are generally not permitted to work after 8:00 PM. However, they may work beyond this time if they provide written consent.
    • In such cases, the employer must implement adequate safety measures, including transportation and security arrangements to ensure their safe return home.
  2. Facilities and Amenities:
    • Separate lockers, secure areas, and restrooms must be provided for female employees to ensure their comfort and privacy.
  3. Transportation and Security:
    • Proper transport facilities must be arranged for female employees working late shifts.
    • The vehicle used should have no tinted or blacked-out windows, and the occupants should be visible from outside.
    • A security guard must be present during boarding, and the driver should ensure that female employees are dropped off safely at their homes.
    • A boarding register or computerized record of vehicle details, including the driver’s information and timings, must be maintained for accountability.
  4. Protection from Harassment:
    • Compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, is mandatory.
    • Annual self-defense workshops or training sessions should be conducted for female employees.
    • A minimum of five female employees should be present during night shifts to ensure safety in numbers.

Compliance with Labour Laws

The notification mandates strict adherence to all relevant labour laws, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986:
    • Establishments must comply with all provisions regarding the prohibition of child labour and regulation of adolescent labour.
  2. Wages and Holidays:
    • Employees are entitled to national and festival holidays with wages.
    • Wages, including overtime wages, must be credited directly to employees’ bank accounts.
    • Overtime work should not exceed 50 hours in any quarter, and employees must be compensated at twice the normal rate for overtime hours.
  3. Record-Keeping and Safety Measures:
    • Establishments must maintain accurate records of all workers as per the Act.
    • CCTV cameras with a minimum of 15-day recording backup must be installed for safety purposes.
    • An emergency alarm system should be in place to handle any emergent situations.

Cancellation of Exemption

The exemption can be revoked if any of the stipulated conditions or any provisions of the Act are violated. The process involves giving the concerned party a due opportunity to be heard by the Competent Authority before cancellation.

Overriding Provisions

In case of emergencies or specific situations, directions under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, and Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023, will take precedence over the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958.


The Chandigarh Administration’s exemption notification represents a significant shift towards providing operational flexibility to businesses while maintaining stringent safeguards for employee welfare. By adhering to the outlined conditions, establishments can benefit from extended operating hours and contribute to a more dynamic and responsive commercial environment in Chandigarh. This balanced approach of flexibility and responsibility sets a precedent for other regions, ensuring economic activities flourish without compromising employee rights and safety.