Posted by & filed under Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board starts digital environmental public  hearing, ET Government

Title: Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Introduces Amnesty Scheme for Penal Fees

Date: February 27, 2024


The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has issued a circular on February 27, 2024, introducing an Amnesty Scheme for Penal Fees aimed at industries violating the Combined Consent Regime under the Air and Water Acts. This scheme offers a waiver on penal fees for various infractions, such as delays in applying for consent and operating without consent, with the goal of encouraging industries to regularize their activities and improve monitoring compliance.

Key Features of the Scheme:

Categorization of Violations: The scheme categorizes violations based on industry type and the duration of non-compliance, offering different penalty relief measures for Red, Orange, and Green category industries.

  • Calculation Method for Penal Charges: It outlines a specific method for calculating penal charges, excluding units or industries that have already paid penalties.
  • Application Process: Applications must be submitted online within a three-month period, emphasizing adherence to the timeline.
  • Payment Conditions: Industry applicants must pay penal fees in full and at once. Pending applications with the Board will be considered if they meet payment conditions within the specified timeframe.
  • Duration and Implementation: The scheme will be in effect for three months, after which the previous penal fees circular will resume. All Board officers are required to implement the scheme and adhere strictly to its guidelines.

Objective of the Scheme:

The primary objective of the Amnesty Scheme is to incentivize industries to comply with environmental regulations and rectify past violations by offering penalty waivers within a defined timeframe. It aims to promote environmental sustainability and effective monitoring of industrial activities.


The introduction of the Amnesty Scheme by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board signifies a proactive step towards environmental compliance and sustainability. By providing industries with an opportunity to rectify past violations through penalty waivers, the scheme encourages adherence to environmental regulations and promotes responsible industrial practices. It is imperative for industries to take advantage of this opportunity and participate in the scheme within the stipulated timeframe to contribute towards a cleaner and greener future for Maharashtra.

Posted by & filed under ESIC-Hospital, Maharashtra.

In the realm of employee welfare, the Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) plays a pivotal role in providing healthcare benefits to workers across various sectors. One of the significant aspects of ESIC’s healthcare provision is its tie-up with a network of hospitals across the country. These tie-up hospitals serve as crucial pillars in ensuring accessible and quality healthcare for ESIC beneficiaries. Let’s delve into the importance of this tie-up hospital network and its impact on employees:

  1. Expanded Healthcare Reach: The tie-up hospital network significantly expands the reach of healthcare services for ESIC beneficiaries. By collaborating with numerous hospitals, ESIC ensures that employees and their dependents have access to medical facilities within their vicinity. This expansive reach is particularly beneficial for employees residing in remote or underserved areas, where healthcare infrastructure may be limited.
  2. Diverse Medical Specialties: ESIC tie-up hospitals typically offer a wide range of medical specialties and services. From primary care and preventive services to specialized treatments and surgeries, these hospitals cater to diverse healthcare needs. This ensures that employees receive comprehensive medical attention, encompassing various health conditions and ailments.
  3. Quality Healthcare Standards: ESIC maintains stringent quality standards for its tie-up hospitals. Before partnering with healthcare institutions, ESIC verifies the quality of infrastructure, medical equipment, and the expertise of healthcare professionals. This emphasis on quality assurance ensures that beneficiaries receive standardized and reliable healthcare services across all tie-up hospitals.
  4. Cashless Treatment Facilities: One of the key benefits of the ESIC tie-up hospital network is the provision of cashless treatment facilities. ESIC beneficiaries can avail themselves of medical services without the hassle of upfront payments or reimbursement procedures. This cashless treatment system enhances convenience and eliminates financial barriers to accessing healthcare, thereby promoting timely medical interventions.
  5. Cost-Effective Healthcare: ESIC tie-up hospitals often offer healthcare services at subsidized rates for beneficiaries. This cost-effective healthcare model alleviates the financial burden on employees and their families, especially during medical emergencies or prolonged treatments. By making healthcare more affordable, ESIC contributes to enhancing the overall well-being and financial stability of workers.
  6. Continuity of Care: The tie-up hospital network facilitates continuity of care for ESIC beneficiaries. In cases where specialized treatments or follow-up care is required, employees can seamlessly transition between ESIC tie-up hospitals without disruptions in their medical care. This continuity of care is essential for managing chronic conditions, ensuring optimal recovery from illnesses, and promoting overall health maintenance.

In conclusion, the ESIC tie-up hospital network plays a vital role in ensuring healthcare access and affordability for employees covered under the ESIC scheme. By collaborating with a diverse network of hospitals and upholding stringent quality standards, ESIC effectively fulfills its mandate of safeguarding the health and well-being of workers and their families. This concerted effort towards providing comprehensive and accessible healthcare underscores the importance of ESIC’s role in the broader landscape of social welfare and healthcare provision.

Posted by & filed under Karnataka-Shop act.

Key Points to know about Karnataka Language Amendment Bill 2024 - PreCrack. in

Introduction: In a move aimed at bolstering the status and visibility of the Kannada language, the Karnataka State Legislature recently passed the Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Act, 2024. This legislative amendment marks a significant step towards furthering the comprehensive development and promotion of the Kannada language within the state.

Amendments Overview: The key amendments introduced by the Act primarily focus on two sections of the existing Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Act, 2022.

  1. Section 7 Amendment: The Act adds a new clause (vii-a) which designates the Secretary of the Kannada Development Authority as the convener of the Committee. This Committee plays a crucial role in overseeing the implementation of measures aimed at the development and promotion of the Kannada language.
  2. Section 17 Amendment: This section mandates that various establishments, including commercial, industrial, and business undertakings, as well as hospitals and hotels, display a significant portion (60%) of their name boards in Kannada. Furthermore, it specifies that Kannada must be prominently displayed in the upper half of the name board.

Purpose and Significance: The amendments underscore the government’s commitment to preserving and promoting the Kannada language as an integral part of Karnataka’s cultural heritage. By requiring a substantial portion of name boards to be in Kannada, the legislation aims to enhance the visibility and usage of the language in public and commercial spaces. Moreover, appointing the Secretary of the Kannada Development Authority as the convener of the Committee reinforces the authority’s pivotal role in driving initiatives for Kannada language development.

Synopsis: The Kannada Language Comprehensive Development (Amendment) Act, 2024, represents a proactive approach by the Karnataka government towards safeguarding and promoting the Kannada language. Through targeted legislative amendments, the Act seeks to ensure that Kannada retains its prominence in various spheres of public life, thereby preserving the state’s linguistic and cultural identity. By mandating the prominent display of Kannada on name boards and empowering the Kannada Development Authority, the legislation reaffirms the state’s commitment to nurturing and advancing the rich linguistic heritage of Karnataka.

Posted by & filed under POSH-ACT.

10 Years of The Posh Act – Two Steps Ahead And One Step Back » Imphal  Review of Arts and Politics

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Amendment Bill, 2024, introduced by the Rajya Sabha on February 02, 2024, proposes significant changes to the existing Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013. The key amendments outlined in the bill are as follows:

  1. Amendment to Section 9:
    • Sub-section (1) of Section 9, which deals with the filing of complaints of sexual harassment, is proposed to be modified.
    • The time limit for filing complaints is extended from three months to one year from the date of the incident.
    • Additionally, the time limit for reporting incidents occurring over a period is also extended from three months to one year from the date of the last incident.
  2. Amendment to Section 9:
    • The second proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 9, which previously specified a time limit “not exceeding three months,” is proposed to be omitted. This implies the removal of any specific time limit for the completion of the internal inquiry process.
  3. Omission of Section 10:
    • The bill proposes the complete removal of Section 10, which deals with the process of conciliation in cases of sexual harassment. This suggests a shift away from conciliation as a method of resolving such cases within the workplace.

These amendments aim to provide women with a more extended timeframe to report incidents of sexual harassment, thereby allowing them sufficient time to come forward and seek redressal. Additionally, the removal of the conciliation process suggests a more direct approach to addressing complaints of sexual harassment, potentially emphasizing the importance of thorough investigations and appropriate disciplinary actions.

Posted by & filed under Provident fund -News, Provident Fund Benefits.

Step by Step Guide to EPFO Registration


  • The EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization) is a governmental body in India under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. It administers social security schemes, including the Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme, Family Pension Scheme, Employees’ Pension Scheme, and Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.
  • The Joint Declaration process aims to correct member profiles to minimize rejections of claims and fraud related to identity changes in UAN (Universal Account Number) profiles.


  • The Joint Declaration is a collaborative request for modifying or adding member profile details, authenticated by both the employee and the employer.
  • The process involves the submission of the Joint Declaration application, approval by the employer, verification by the Field Office, and final approval or rejection by the competent authority.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to EPFO Profile Updates
  2. Importance for Employees and Employers
  3. Step-by-Step Guide for Profile Updates
  4. Supporting Documents for Profile Changes
  5. Conclusion: Working Together for a Secure Future

1. Introduction to EPFO Profile Updates:

Maintaining accurate member profiles within the EPFO system is vital for ensuring seamless transactions and minimizing discrepancies. Whether it’s correcting personal details or updating employment information, the process of profile updates, known as Joint Declaration, serves as a crucial mechanism for both employees and employers.

2. Importance for Employees and Employers:

For Employees:

  • Ensures accurate records for hassle-free claim settlements.
  • Reduces the risk of identity fraud and unauthorized access to funds.
  • Facilitates smooth transition during job changes or other life events.

For Employers:

  • Supports compliance with EPFO regulations and mandates.
  • Minimizes administrative burdens by maintaining up-to-date employee records.
  • Promotes trust and transparency in employer-employee relationships.


3. Step-by-Step Guide for Profile Updates:




Login to EPFO Member Portal: Access the member interface using your UAN.


Select Joint Declaration: Navigate to the Joint Declaration section in the Manage tab.


View and Update Information: Review existing details and update as necessary.


Consent and Aadhaar OTP: Provide consent and authenticate changes using Aadhaar OTP.


Upload Supporting Documents: Submit necessary documents for the requested changes.


Verify Information: Review the summary of changes and uploaded documents for accuracy.


Confirm OTP and Submit: Enter Aadhaar OTP for verification and submit the request.


Check Request Status: Monitor the status of the request in the portal’s Pending Requests.


4. Supporting Documents for Profile Changes:

Below is a list of supporting documents required for updating various profile parameters within the EPFO system:


Supporting Documents

Name and Gender

Passport, Birth Certificate, Driving License, etc.

Date of Birth

Birth Certificate, School Certificate, Passport, etc.

Father/Mother Name

Ration Card, Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.

Marital Status

Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, Passport, etc.

Date of Joining

Employee Register, Appointment Letter, etc.

Reason of Leaving

Resignation Letter, Termination Letter, etc.


Passport, Domicile Certificate, PIO/OCI Card, etc.


Aadhaar Card, e-Aadhaar, etc.

5.Conclusion: Working Together for a Secure Future

Accurate member profiles are the cornerstone of a robust EPFO system. By following the outlined steps and understanding the significance of profile updates, employees and employers can contribute to a more efficient and secure environment for social security benefits. Let’s work together to ensure a brighter and more financially secure future for all stakeholders.

Detail process of the same is given below:- 

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Navigating Revised Minimum Wages: Maharashtra Compliance Guide (Jan 1, 2024  – June 30, 2024)

Introduction: In SEEPZ (Special Economic Zone, Mumbai), maintaining fair compensation practices is imperative to uphold the rights and well-being of workers. The setting of minimum wages plays a crucial role in ensuring that employees receive adequate remuneration for their labor. This article explores the minimum wage structure specifically for the electronics sector within SEEPZ and emphasizes the importance of compliance with these regulations.

Understanding Minimum Wages in SEEPZ (Electronics): In the electronics sector of SEEPZ, minimum wages are determined based on the category of employment, including skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers. The minimum wage structure comprises basic wages, special allowances, house rent allowance (HRA), and the total minimum wages payable to employees.

Minimum Wage Rates: Below is a detailed tabular representation of minimum wage rates for different sectors and categories of workers within SEEPZ:



Basic Wage (Rs.)

Special Allowance (Rs.)

Total (Rs.)

HRA (5%) (Rs.)

Minimum Wages (Rs.)

Gem & Jewellery Units







(Residuary Employment)













Bombay Shops and Establishment



















SEEPZ (Electronics)




















  • The table provides a breakdown of basic wage, special allowance, total wage, house rent allowance (HRA), and minimum wages for skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers in Gem & Jewellery Units, Bombay Shops and Establishments, and SEEPZ (Electronics) sector.
  • Minimum wages are calculated by adding the total wage and HRA.
  • Special allowance is revised twice a year, in January and July, by the Labour Department of the Government of Maharashtra.

Compliance and Verification:

  • Employers are mandated to ensure that all employees receive at least the minimum wages specified for their category.
  • The Zone Administration conducts regular checks on records and registers to verify compliance, including obtaining photocopies of payment registers for inspection.

Conclusion: Understanding minimum wage regulations is crucial for both employers and employees within SEEPZ, Mumbai. Compliance with these regulations ensures fair compensation and fosters a conducive work environment. By adhering to minimum wage standards, SEEPZ continues to uphold labor rights and promote equitable employment practices.

Posted by & filed under Provident fund -News.

Introduction: In a significant development for millions of subscribers of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) has recommended an annual interest rate of 8.25% to be credited on EPF accumulations for the financial year 2023-24. This decision, made during the 235th CBT meeting held on February 10, 2024, marks a positive step towards enhancing the financial well-being of EPF members.

  1. Record Distribution: The recommendation includes a historic income distribution of Rs. 1,07,000 crores to EPF members’ accounts, reflecting the organization’s commitment to maximizing returns for its subscribers. This distribution, based on a total principal amount of about Rs. 13 lakh crores, signifies the highest total income distribution on record.
  2. Strong Financial Performance: The decision comes on the heels of robust financial performance, with income growing by over 17.39% and the principal amount increasing by 17.97% compared to the previous financial year. Such growth underscores EPFO’s prudent investment strategies and its ability to generate attractive returns for its members.
  3. Confidence in EPFO: The interest rate recommended by EPFO tends to be higher compared to other similar investment avenues, indicating confidence in the organization’s credit profile and its capacity to provide competitive returns to its members. This vote of confidence is crucial for subscribers seeking stability and growth in their long-term financial plans.
  4. Government Support: The recommendation of the interest rate is subject to approval by the Ministry of Finance, highlighting the government’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of EPF subscribers. Once approved, EPFO will promptly credit the approved rate of interest into its members’ accounts, ensuring timely benefits.
  5. Financial Inclusion: EPFO’s decision to recommend a substantial interest rate not only benefits existing subscribers but also promotes financial inclusion by encouraging more individuals to participate in the EPF scheme. By offering attractive returns, EPFO contributes to building a secure financial future for millions of workers across various sectors.

Conclusion: The recommendation of an 8.25% interest rate by the Central Board of Trustees of EPFO for the financial year 2023-24 is a testament to the organization’s commitment to maximizing returns and enhancing the financial well-being of its subscribers. With strong financial performance, prudent investment strategies, and government support, EPFO continues to be a reliable pillar in securing the financial future of millions of workers in India.


Posted by & filed under Esic Benefits, Esic-Circulars.

Title: “Streamlining Employee Benefits: The e-Pehchaan Card Initiative under the ESI Scheme”


In a significant move towards enhancing efficiency and accessibility in employee benefits, the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoL&E) has issued a circular , emphasizing the issuance of e-Pehchaan cards to all Insured Persons (lPs) under the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme. This article delves into the details of this initiative, its implications, and the steps involved in implementing the directive.

Understanding the e-Pehchaan Card:

The e-Pehchaan card is a digital identity card designed to streamline and digitize the process of providing essential benefits to Insured Persons. As outlined in the circular, it is now mandatory for all employers to issue the e-Pehchaan card to their employees immediately after registration under the ESI Scheme. This move aims to ensure quicker access to benefits and a more efficient administration of the ESI Scheme.

Key Directives in the Circular:

  1. Immediate Issuance: The circular stresses the importance of providing the e-Pehchaan card promptly after the registration of an Insured Person. This step is crucial in facilitating seamless access to healthcare and other benefits covered under the ESI Scheme.
  2. Role of ROs/SROs: Regional Offices/Sub-Regional Offices (ROs/SROs) play a pivotal role in implementing this directive. They are tasked with instructing all employers within their jurisdiction to download the e-Pehchaan card from the ESI Portal and distribute it to their employees.
  3. Digital and Hard Copy Distribution: Employers are expected to leverage the ESI Portal for digital issuance of the e-Pehchaan card. Simultaneously, the circular highlights the necessity of providing hard copies of the card to all existing Insured Persons. This dual approach ensures accessibility for all, considering varying preferences and technological literacy.
  4. Competent Authority Approval: The circular concludes by affirming that the directive has received approval from the Competent Authority, underscoring the official endorsement and significance of the initiative.

Benefits of the e-Pehchaan Card Initiative:

  1. Faster Access to Benefits: With immediate issuance, employees gain quicker access to healthcare and other benefits, reducing the waiting period traditionally associated with such processes.
  2. Digitization for Efficiency: The move towards a digital identity card aligns with broader efforts to digitize administrative processes, promoting efficiency and accuracy in record-keeping.
  3. Employee Empowerment: Insured Persons receive a tangible identity card, empowering them with a physical and digital proof of their enrollment and eligibility for ESI Scheme benefits.
  4. Uniform Implementation: The circular ensures a uniform implementation of the e-Pehchaan card issuance across various regions, enhancing standardization and ease of compliance for employers.

Conclusion: The issuance of e-Pehchaan cards represents a significant stride towards modernizing and simplifying the delivery of employee benefits under the ESI Scheme. This initiative not only aligns with the broader digital transformation goals but also prioritizes the well-being and convenience of Insured Persons. As employers and regional offices collaborate in implementing this directive, it is anticipated that the streamlined process will set a precedent for future enhancements in employee benefit administration.

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Maharashtra Minimum Wages 1st July 2023 to 31st Dec 2023


Stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive guide on implementing the Revised Minimum Wages in Maharashtra, ensuring seamless compliance from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.

Section 1:

Understanding Maharashtra’s Regulatory Landscape Unravel the intricacies of Maharashtra’s employment regulations, with a focus on the latest revisions in minimum wage requirements. Explore the key updates and their implications for employers.

Section 2:

Step-by-Step Implementation Process Follow our step-by-step guide to streamline the implementation of revised minimum wages within your organization. Gain insights into practical tips and best practices to ensure compliance effortlessly.

Section 3:

Impact on Different Sectors Dive into sector-specific analyses to comprehend how the revised minimum wages impact various industries. From manufacturing to services, understand the nuanced implications for your business.

Section 4:

Addressing Common Challenges Anticipate and overcome common challenges associated with minimum wage revisions. Our guide provides actionable strategies to mitigate risks and maintain compliance throughout the designated period.


Stay compliant and informed with our Revised Minimum Wages Implementation Guide tailored for Maharashtra. Equip your organization with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the regulatory landscape seamlessly from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.

English Version :-

Original Notification:-

Posted by & filed under Compliance -Calendar.


As we step into the second month of the year, businesses are presented with a fresh set of compliance challenges and opportunities. Staying ahead of regulatory changes, deadlines, and industry updates is crucial for maintaining a seamless and legally sound operation. In this blog, we’ll explore the key compliance considerations for February 2024 and how a well-structured Compliance Calendar can be your strategic ally in navigating this dynamic landscape.

  1. Tax Season Kickoff:
    • February marks the beginning of the tax season in many jurisdictions.
    • Ensure your Compliance Calendar includes deadlines for filing various tax documents, such as TDS returns, GST returns, and advance tax payments.
  2. Employee Provident Fund (EPF) Updates:
    • Keep an eye on any revisions or amendments in EPF rates or regulations.
    • Update your Compliance Calendar with EPF contribution deadlines and any changes in the contribution percentages.
  3. Statutory Filings and Returns:
    • Verify deadlines for statutory filings specific to your industry and location.
    • Incorporate these deadlines into your Compliance Calendar to avoid last-minute rushes and potential penalties.
  4. Labour Law Revisions:
    • Stay informed about any changes or updates to labor laws at the central or state levels.
    • Update your Compliance Calendar with the latest information to ensure ongoing compliance with all employment regulations.
  5. Health and Safety Compliance:
    • Check for any updates in health and safety regulations, especially those related to workplace safety and employee well-being.
    • Schedule safety audits and training sessions accordingly, updating your Compliance Calendar with these tasks.
  6. Industry-Specific Regulations:
    • Industries such as finance, healthcare, and IT may have specific compliance requirements.
    • Tailor your Compliance Calendar to include industry-specific obligations, certifications, or audits that are due in February.
  7. Contract Renewals and Agreements:
    • Review contracts, agreements, and licenses set to expire in the coming months.
    • Plan ahead for renewals or negotiations, ensuring your Compliance Calendar includes timely reminders for contract management.
  8. Environmental Compliance:
    • For environmentally sensitive industries, keep abreast of any environmental compliance requirements.
    • Integrate tasks related to environmental impact assessments, waste management, or emissions reporting into your Compliance Calendar.


In the intricate tapestry of regulatory requirements, a proactive and well-organized Compliance Calendar is your compass for a successful and compliant journey. As February unfolds, make sure your business is well-prepared to tackle the evolving landscape of tax, labor, and industry-specific regulations. By incorporating these considerations into your Compliance Calendar, you’re not just meeting legal obligations; you’re positioning your organization for sustained success in a dynamic business environment.