Posted by & filed under Factory Act.

The State Government of Uttarakhand on December 20, 2019, has published the Uttarakhand Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2019, to further amend the Uttar Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 (As applicable to the State of Uttarakhand).
The amendments in the Uttar Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 (As applicable to the State of Uttarakhand) are as under:
➤  Under Rule 7 which specifies the procedure for registration and grant of a license, sub-rule (1) has been substituted:
Under sub-rule (1) fee for grant of license has been substituted and further, increased the license renewal fee to be taken from factories by 10 percent every 5 years. The next increase will be effective from January 01, 2025.
➤  Rule 41 has been substituted with Latrine accommodation instead of Sanitary accommodation:
Substituted Rule specifies that latrine accommodation shall be provided in every factory on a certain scale, namely:
(a)    A number of workers up to 100: 1 toilet for men and women, separately on every 25 workers. But a minimum of 01 male and female toilets shall be mandatory in every factory.
(b)    More than 100 workers: Additional provision shall be for one man and women toilet on for next every 50 workers.
(c)     Sanitary Napkins conforming Indian Standards shall be provided and maintain in the women’s toilets as per Indian Standards.
(d)    Disposable bins with lids shall be provided within the women’s toilets.

Necessary Notification as listed below 

Posted by & filed under Rajasthan-Shops-And-Establishment.

The State Government of Rajasthan on November 26, 2019, has notified the Rajasthan Shops and Commercial Establishment (Amendment) Rules, 2019. They shall come into force from the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette.
The following amendments in the Rajasthan Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1959 were made as under:
The existing table of Rule 3 which specifies the application for registration and grant of registration certificate has been substituted, namely:
S. No.
Maximum Number of employees employed on any day
 Amount of fees in Rs.
0-10 employees
11 to 50 employees
51 to 100 employees
101 and above employees
The validity of the certificate may be extended forever, after depositing one-time fees as prescribed above. 
Under Rule 4 which specifies the manner of registering establishment and form of registration certificate:
a)      Sub-rule (2) has been deleted
b)      In sub-rule (3) the word ‘return’ has been substituted by the word by the word ‘statement and the expression ‘under clause (1) and (2) in rule 3’ has been deleted.
•  Rule 6 which talks about the renewal of Certificate has been deleted,
•  Under Rule 8 which specifies the Procedure on death or disability of certificate holder: The existing expression ‘rule 6’ has been substituted by ‘rule 5’ and the expression ‘for the unexpired portion of the original certificate’ has been deleted.
•  Under Rule 10 which specifies the fees for payment, the existing word ‘renewals’ in sub-rule (1) and ‘renewal’ in sub-rule (2) has been deleted.
  Amendment in Forms:
a)      Form3 which is related to issue of registration certificate: renewal portion has been deleted
b)      Form 5 which is an Application for Renewal of Registration Certificate, has been deleted.
[Notification No. G.S.R.43]

Posted by & filed under Holiday List 2020.

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages - Gujarat.

As per the notification on Dt. 30-09-2019 regarding. The State Government as declared the fresh basic rates of Salary/Wages for the period from Dt. 01-10-2019 to 31-03-2020 for 46 business in Zone – I & Zone – II. The same may please be paid during the above period.

English Notification:- Gujarat Minimum Wages 1st Oct-2019 to 31st Mar 2020

Posted by & filed under Maharashtra-Election.

1.According to the democratic pattern of our country, all citizens who were registered over 18 years It is up to 100 % to vote in the election. Taking into account this issue, the People’s Representation and the Act, 1949
According to Rule 135 (b) of (Part-2), the voter is entitled to vote on the day of voting. Payment can be made to pay, or reasonable discounts on working hours at some locations. Give in. Some of my past choices have been that organizations, establishments, etc. Paid goodbye Or do not offer discounts. This leaves many voters disenfranchised, which
Very dangerous for democracy.
2. As per the order issued by the Election Commission of India in 288 Assembly constituencies in Maharashtra. The election will be held on 21st October 2019. All the voters in this election belong to them
The following orders are given to ensure that the voting right is done properly:
I) Workers /officials/employees who are voting in the polling area for election. Everyone who is outside of the general election area shall be entitled to vote on the day of the election.
Payment should be made to pay.
II) Not to mention all the establishments, factories, shops and shops belonging to this industry, energy and labor department.
Applicable residences (eg establishments in private companies, all shops and other establishments, residential hotels,
Eating houses, other houses, theaters, businesses, industrial establishments or other establishments as well as information and technology
Company, Show Pag Sutter, Moms, Retail.)
III) Exceptionally, in the case of workers, officers, employees, etc., the full day will not be paid. So, workers in the polling area have only two to three hours instead of free time to vote. Can be discounted. Regarding the matter, he had earlier informed the concerned district officials and district election officials. Permission will be required. In any case, voters need at least two to three hours to vote Establishment owners will be required to take account of the receipt of compensation.
IV) All establishments, factories, industries, industries, industries and labor as mentioned above Shops, etc. Remember that the above instructions are strictly adhered to by the owners/management Be careful. Voters vote not to receive the appropriate discount or exemption for voting In case of failure to arrive, appropriate action will be taken.

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Tripura.

Government of Tripura vide notification no No.F.21(98)-LAB/ENF/Labour Laws/2017/7062 has released the Tripura Ease of Compliance To Maintain Registers Under Various Labour Laws Rules,2019. 

As per the notification and the new rule, various registers to be maintained under the provisions of the 

  • Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, The Interstate Migrant Workman (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1979, 
  • The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, 
  • Building and Other Constructions Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 have been combined under Forms A,B,C,D respectively. 

These registers can also be maintained electronically provided that layout and presentation of the register may be adjusted without changing the integrity, serial number and- contents of the columns of the register. 

For more details please refer to the notification attached herewith


The Tripura Ease Of Compliance To Maintain Registers Under Various Labour Laws Rules, 2019

Posted by & filed under Esic-Circulars.

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 95 of the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, the Central Government, after consultation with the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950, namely:—

 1. (1) These rules may be called the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2019. 

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950, in rule 52, for the words “rupees one hundred thirty seven”, the words “rupees one hundred seventy six” shall be substituted.

From the above ammedment if any average daily wages is less then equal to Rs 176 No ESIC contribution is to be deducted from the Employee. Employer Contribution will have to be contributed.

Official Gazette :- Esic Average daily wages Official gazeete from Rs 137 to Rs 176