Posted by & filed under Telengana -Shop & Establishment.

Government of Telangana vide notification no G.O.Ms.No. 24, in reference to previous notification G.O.Ms.No.51, L.E.T. & F. (Lab) Department dated 16th June 2016, has further exempted all establishments to keep open on all the days of the year in Telangana State for a further period of three (3) years with effect from 16.06.2019 and subject to conditions mentioned in notification fulfilled by the establishments failing which exemption granted will be liable for cancellation.


(i) The working hours of the employees shall be 8 hours per day and 48 hours in
a week. Record of over time will be maintained in the Wages Register
separately in respect of the employees who worked beyond normal working

(ii) Every employee will be allowed to avail a Weekly Holiday as per the list
exhibited (Form 24) at the main entrance of the shop on rotation basis.

(iii) If the employees are found working on any Holiday or after normal duty hours
without proper indent of Over Time, the exemption granted will be liable for

(iv) Working hours of the shop shall be between 9.00 A.M. to 11.00 P.M.

(v) In case of Women employees who are required to work beyond 8:30 P.M.,
transport arrangements are to be made to the women employees. A notice
to this effect in Telugu and English shall be exhibited at the main entrance
of the shop indicating the availability of transport.

(vi) All employees are to be provided with Appointment Letters and copy of the
same will be furnished to the jurisdiction Inspector and acknowledgement
shall be preserved in the shop for inspection at any time.

(vii) Visit Book shall be maintained exhibiting a copy of the exemption for
verification by the Inspector for compliance with the conditions on

(viii) The exemption is valid for three (3) years only and subject to compliance
with the conditions of exemption and also compliance with the welfare
provisions applicable under various Labour Laws.

(ix) The wages for the employees shall be credited to their saving bank

(x) EPF & ESI deductions shall be implemented in respect of the eligible

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Maharashtra Special Allowance has been declared from 1st July 2019 to 31st Dec 2019  the same was published yesterday i.e. on 5th Aug 2019.

In my earlier blog i had share the new Basic wages of Shop & Establishment & i had mentioned that New Special allowance will be revised w.e.f. from 24th July 2019 & the same has been declared 

 In the Month of July 2019 we need to calculate the salary in two phase   in regards to Shop & establishment if already paid then we need to pay arrears in the month of August 2019 & accordingly Bonus will also be affected.

          1. 1st July 2019 to 23rd July 2019 ( Old Rate)

MINIMUM WAGES FOR – Shops & Commercial Establishment
MIN. WAGES FOR  01.07.2019  TO  23.07.2019
HRA @ 5% on Basic + Spl. Allw and applicable only
if you are engaging 50 or more than 50 Employees as per 

The maharashtra workmen’s minimum house rent allowance act,1983


2. 24th July 2019 to 31st July 2019  ( New Rate)
MINIMUM WAGES FOR – Shops & Commercial Establishment
MIN. WAGES FOR  24.07.2019  TO  31.12.2019    w.e.f. 24-July-2019
HRA @ 5% on Basic + Spl. Allw and applicable only
if you are engaging 50 or more than 50 Employees as per 

The maharashtra workmen’s minimum house rent allowance act,1983

Original Notification Maharashtra Minimum Wages 1.07.2019 to 31.12.2019

Detail Zone wise English    Minimum-Wages Maharashtra-English-01-07-2019

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Dear all,

As per my yesterdays blog  maharashtra-minimum-wages-increase Final Notification where in we had uploaded the final notification of the revised basic of Shop & establishment in this regards i have been receiving  calls & emails in regards to what is the final Minimum Wages to be taken in to consideration.

In regards to the above queries i would like to draw your attention that whenever the minimum wages are revised a new Basic wages is declared & in regard to same it was finalised after 9 years now a new Special allowance will be declared on 5th Aug 2019 effective 1st July 2019

Based on the above the New Minimum Wages will be  ( New Basic+New Special allowance + HRA( 5 % Minimum as per Maharashtra Minimum Hra Act if Employee count is more then equal to 50) 

I would advise that once the new special allowance will be declared on 5th of  Aug 2019 after that only make all the changes in the salary structure etc & give the difference of the same as arrears in Aug 2019 salary.

if any query pls drop me email on

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Pls refer to my yesterday blog where in we had given the information of Maharashtra Minimum wages increase under Shop & Establishment Effective 24th July 2019  & the same has been notified the respective copy of the notification is  appended below 

Sr No
Class of Employees
Zone 1
Zone II
Zone III

Notification :- Maharashtra Minimum wages ( Basic Salary Revision) 1st July 2019

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

Mumbai: Labor Welfare Minister Dr Kishore has decided to increase the minimum wage of workers working in shops and establishments in the state Taken by Sanjay Koote. This increase is about to double. The increase was pending for the last nine years. About one crore workers will benefit from over one million shops and establishments in the state.
The minimum wage of employment is rescheduled every five years under Section 03 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, with the advice of the Maharashtra Minimum Wage Advisory Board. However, for the last nine years, minimum wages have not been rescheduled for technical reasons. Minister of LaborKutte’s pursuit has made it possible for the working class to get minimum wage. 
It includes all the municipal boundaries of the state of Maharashtra and 20 km from the municipal area. Industrial area and camp area upto 5,800 to 11,632, 5,400 to 10,856, semi-skilled workers to 10,856, 5,500 to 10,021 to unskilled workers and 11,036 to 5,0100 and 4,960 to 6,450 and 10,260 to skilled workers in municipal corporation. Excluding the corporation, the remaining area of ​​Maharashtra state has 5,200 to 10,440 skilled workers and 4,800 to semi-skilled workers. Up to 9,664, unskilled workers have been increased from 4,400 to 8,828. The notification in this regard has been implemented from July 24, 2019.
Awaiting for Notification without Notification pls dont Make any changes in the Salary Structure once we get the respective circular  then  only make the changes

Posted by & filed under Esic-Circulars.

Good News to the Employees  Draft notification for bringing down the threshold limit for coverage of establishments in the state of Maharashtra from 20 employees to 10 persons is published

No salary limit. If even one employee is getting less than 21000 the company will contribute and if no employee is eligible for contribution then company will have to register and file nil returns.

This will make establishments in Maharashtra eligible for ESIC when they have 10 employees irrespective of the salary limit. Just 10 employees direct or indirect irrespective of whatever salary you pay the establishment will have to register under ESIC.

The respective draft notification will be taken in to consideration after 23rd Aug 2019.

So Merely the from Aug paid in September this will get effective.

Draft Notification:- Maharashtra ESIC Threshold Limit Reduce from 20 to 10

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Maharashtra.

No. MWA-2019/CR-53/LAB-7.—Whereas, by the Government Notification, Industries, Energy and Labour Department, No. MWA.1013/430/CR-205/ LAB-7, dated the 3rd March 2014 the Government of Maharashtra has revised the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in the Scheduled
Employment, viz. “Employment in Engineering Industry” (hereinafter referred to as “the said scheduled employment”);
And whereas, the Government of Maharashtra, having revised the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in the said scheduled employment, considers it necessary to revise them further;

Notification :- Maharashtra-Engineering Wages Notification revised 4th July 2019

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Puducherry.

No. 2/Lab./AIL/G/2012/576.
Puducherry, the 14th June 2019.
In exercise of the powers conferred under
sub-section (1) of section 3 and sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, read with the notification issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 9/AIL/Lab./ G/2016, d a t e d 22-8-2 0 1 6, the undersigned hereby revises the rates of Dearness Allowance for the employees employed in “Shops and Establishments” in the Union territory of Puducherry with effect from 01-01-2019 on the basis of rise in the average consumer price index number reaching 308 from 299 (Base year 2001 = 100) and thereby resulting in an increase of 9 points calculated on the basis of average rates of Dearness Allowance with effect from 01-01-2019.

Accordingly, the Dearness Allowance payable to the classes of employees employed in the Shops and Establishments in the Union territory of Puducherry with effect from 01-01-2019 would be ` 162 per month (cumulative).
Secretary to Government (Labour).

Posted by & filed under Income Tax.

 The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) extends the ‘due date’ for filing of Income Tax Returns from 31st July, 2019 to 31st August, 2019 in respect of certain categories of taxpayers who were liable to file their Returns by 31.07.2019

The categories of taxpayers includes all taxpayers who were liable to file their Income Tax Returns by 31st of July, 2019 & can now file their Income Tax Returns by 31st of August, 2019.

Circular : Order-for-extension-of-due-date-for filing-of-ITRs-23-07-2019