Posted by & filed under Uncategorized.

Government announces further measures to help families who lost the earning member due to Covid

  • Family Pension to be given to dependents of those who lost their lives due to Covid under Employees State Insurance Corporation

To help family live a life of dignity and maintain a good standard of living, benefit of ESIC pension scheme for
employment related death cases is being extended to even those who have died due to Covid. Dependent family
members of such persons will be entitled to the benefit of pension equivalent to 90% of average daily wage
drawn by the worker as per the existing norms. This benefit will be available retrospectively with effect from
24.03.2020 and for all such cases till 24.03.2022

  • Insurance benefits under the EDLI scheme enhanced and liberalized

The insurance benefits under the EDLI scheme have been enhanced and liberalized. Apart from all other
beneficiaries, this will in particular help the families of employees who have lost their lives due to COVID.
Amount of maximum insurance benefit has been increased from ₹ 6 lakh to ₹ 7 lakh
The provision of minimum insurance benefit of ₹ 2.5 lakh has been restored and will apply retrospectively from
15 February 2020 for the next three years
To benefit families of contractual/ casual workers, the condition of continuous employment in only one
establishment has been liberalized, with benefit being made available to families of even those employees who
may have changed jobs in the last 12 months preceding his death

Pls stay tuned for more updates in this group a detailed gazette Notification from the Ministry of Labour & Employment will be release

Pls refer to the PIB release

Posted by & filed under Esic Benefits.

References are being received from various trade Unions/Organizations/members of ESI Corporations for running a special Covid vaccination drive for ESI beneficiaries and their family members. At present, Govt. of India is providing Covid vaccines to the States, which in turn are finalizing Covid vaccination sites. Under the current arrangement, the Covid vaccination facility is not available at a certain number of ESIC/ESIS hospitals and dispensaries

RDs to identify suitable Employee’s locations/lPs working sites and organize special Covid vaccination camps duly utilizing ESIC/ESIS medical manpower in association with DIMS and MSs/Dispensary In-charge of nearest ESIC/ESIS Hospital/Dispensary. In view of the above, requisite actions are to be taken by all concerned for smooth conduction of Covid vaccination services in the ESI system in the interest of IPs.

Posted by & filed under Profession Tax- Maharashtra.

Amendment of section 8 of Mah.XVI of 1975

Maharashtra Govt has made an Amendment in PTEC ( Profession tax of Employer ) @ Rs 2500 Per Year as per earlier it was 30th June of the said Year now it has been changed to 31st March of the Year necessary section as mentioned below

In section 8 of the Profession Tax Act, for sub-section (2), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—
“ (2) The amount of tax due from an enrolled person, as specified in his enrolment certificate, shall be paid for each year on or before the 31st March of the said year: Provided that, in respect of the person who is enrolled and the rate of tax at which he is liable to pay tax is revised, then such revised tax shall be paid on or before the 31st March of the year in which the rates are revised. ”.

In section 9 of the Profession Tax Act, after sub-section (3), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:—
“(3A) If a person, liable to get enrolled, fails to apply for a certificate of enrolment within the period specified under this Act, he shall be liable to pay simple interest at the rate of 1.25 percent. per month or part thereof of the amount of tax payable, from the 1st July of that year, till the date of payment of such tax, in addition to the amount of tax payable in respect of the year, for which he has remained unenrolled. ”.

Posted by & filed under West Bengal -Profession tax.

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Whereas, due to compelling circumstances caused by COVID-19 throughout India, an order dated 21.04.2021 was issued, as circulated under Memo. No. ll9 CT/PRO, to extend the last date of filing of return in Form-lll, under section 6 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act,1979, read with rule 12 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings, and Employments Rules, 1979, for the year ending on the 3lst day of March 2021.

Now, therefore, in the exercise of the power conferred upon me under rule 12 of the West Bengal State Tax Professions, Trades, Callings, and Employments Rules, 1979, and in supersession of the order issued on 2l.04.202I in this respect, except things done or omitted to be done, the last date of filing return in Form-lll for the period mentioned below is further extended as specified in the following table:

Period in respect of which return is required to be furnishedLast date of transmission of data electronically of that return as specified by
order dated 21.04.21
Last date of transmission of data electronically of that return as specified nowLast date of
furnishing paper
form of that return as
specified now
Y.E. 31.03.202130.06.202131.08.202107 .09.2021

Circular :-

Posted by & filed under Minimum Wages-Uttarpradesh.

 As per notification No. 336-61/Pravartan-(M.W.)/15 Minimum Wages released for the state of Uttar Pradesh effective from 1st April 2021 to 30th Sep 2021

Categories of Employment Basic Per Month DA from 01.10.20 to 31.03.21 DA from 01.04.20 to 30.09.21 Total Per Day from 1.04.2021 to 30.09.2021 Total Per Month from 1.04.2021 to 30.09.2021
Unskilled 5750.00 3008.00 3328.00 349.00 9078.00
Semi-Skilled 6325.00 3309.00 3660.00 384.00 9985.00
Skilled 7085.00 3706.00 4100.00 430.00 11185.00

Notification:- 👉 The-Uttar-Pradesh-Minimum-Wages-Notification-1st-April-2021

Posted by & filed under Esic-Circulars.

Considering the second wave and spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country,          
The provisions of Regulation 31 have been relaxed and the ESI for the month of April 2021 has been reduced.

The Director-General of ESI has issued an order allowing a delay in filing and payment of allotment from 15th May 2021 to 15th June 2021. In this regard, the English Circular is attached herewith.