Posted by & filed under Profession Tax- Maharashtra.

Dear employers

As per  section  6(1)  of   the  Maharashtra   State   Tax  on  Professions,  Trades,  Callings and  Employments  Act,  1975  (the  Profession Tax  Act  1975), every  employer who  has obtained Profession Tax Registration Certificate (PTRC)under  the  Profession Tax Act, 1975  has  to furnish  return  in the  prescribed  format showing the  salaries  and  wages paid  by him  and  the  amount  of tax  deducted  by him  in  respect  thereof. As per  Rule 11(2A) of the   Profession Tax  Rules,  1975,   such   return  shall   be  in  electronic  Form IIIB  and   payment   shall   be  made   before uploading  the   said   return   on  the   official website of   the  department).    Section 6(2) of the  Profession Tax  Act,   1975  provides that   a return  without  such   proof  of payment  shall  not  be deemed  to have  been  duly flied.

From    01/04/2018,      the    PTRC returns    are    being    filed   on   the    new   web   site  due to  technical difficulties, many    employers have    not  been   able  to upload    returns. Further it is  represented     that    they    are   facing   technical    difficulties   in   creating    profile  for accessing e-services on

The issue has  been  examined and  it is found  that  because  otechnical difficulties  some of the employers  could not file the returns as framed under the act, Hence as per the  rules/Powers framed under the act by  various ammedment & circulars issued by the state government under the Provision of Section 6(3) Maharashtra   State  Tax  on  Professions,  Trades, Callings and  Employments  Act,  1975 the whole late fee payable by the registered employers in respect of the monthly or annual returns pertaining to the period Apr-2016 to June -2018 is being exempted subject to fulfillment eligibility conditions  .mentioned  below

Eligibility Conditions:

  1. Any amount   payable  as per return   -should have  been/ shall  be paid  on or before the due  date.
  2. The  aforesaid employers should  submit  the. monthly   or,  as the -case may be; annual  returns pertaining to the periods    April 2016 to June   2018  on or before  31st  July 2018
  3. Needless to mention  that  no refund  or adjustment against .any tax liability shall be allowed -where late fee has  already.peen paid
Necessary Circular & FAQ( New Profession tax Website ) is appended below
πŸ‘‰Late Fee Exemption Circular :- Exemption for late fee


Posted by & filed under Profession Tax.

Profession Tax (P.Tax) slab in Madhya Pradesh have been revised. New rates will be applicable w.e.f. 01-04-2018.

Madhya Pradesh government in its finance budget 2018 have amended the professional tax slab rates for employees. The new PT rates aim at providing some relief to the salaried employees and increase their take home salary.

Professional Tax Slab In Madhya Pradesh For F.Y. 2018-19

Annual Salary  Annual PT
Below Rs. 225000 NIL
Rs. 225000 – Rs. 300000 1500
Rs. 300000 – Rs. 400000  2000
Above Rs. 400000 2500

PT is deducted from the monthly salary of the employees in equal installments and deposited with the department using professional tax

Below will be the actual monthly PT deduction rate:
Monthly Salary     Monthly PT
Below Rs. 18750 NIL
Rs. 18750 – Rs. 25000 125
Rs. 25000 – Rs. 33333 167
Above Rs. 33333 208

πŸ‘‰MP-BUDGET-2018-19 ( See Yellow Highlighted) 

Posted by & filed under Provident Fund - (Notification -Circulars).

As per EPFO circular dated 24th April 2018, the EPFO has intimated an amendment to the guidelines of Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana. 
( Earlier this Scheme was introduce in the Month of Aug-2016 where in if the following conditions were full fill then only Employer could take the benefit of the same) earlier only 8.33 % benefit was given by the Govt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1.. The appoint date of the respective employee should be after 1st Apr 2016 
2. He should not hold any UAN Number
3. His KYC should be verified.
4  His Gross Salary Should be Less then 15000.

In regards to the above EPFO Field officer had done a very good hard work to implement & explain the same. in the Start of the scheme many Hurdles had occurred in the online portal but now it is running smoothly.

Now as per the announcement in the finance bill 2018-2019 , and As per the amendment to the guidelines the Government of India will pay the full employer’s contribution (EPF and EPS both) w.e.f. 1st April 2018 for a period of three years to the new employees and to the existing beneficiaries for their remaining period of three years through EPFO. The last date of registration of beneficiary through establishment is 31st March 2019

Circular :- πŸ‘‰Amendment_PMRPY_(employee-Employer)