Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, do hereby notifies ESIC COVID19 RELIEF SCHEME

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The Ministry of Labour and Employment has announced additional benefits for workers through ESIC to address the fear and anxiety of workers about well-being of their family members due to increase in incidences of death due to COVID -19 pandemic. Enhanced social security is sought to be provided to the workers without any additional costto… Read more »

Extension for coverage of Casual Contractual workers under Municipal Corporation Councils in National Capital Territory Delhi under Section 15 of the ESI Act, 1948

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Enclosed is the gazetted copy in regards to extending the provisions of the ESIC Act 1948 to certain classes of establishment as specified in the schedule to the said notification dated 7th June 2021 ( Press Release Copy is enclosed ) And whereas no objection and suggestion has been received within the said period of… Read more »

Covid vaccination site at ESIC/ESIS Hospitals/dispensaries/Special camps for ESI beneficiaries.

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References are being received from various trade Unions/Organizations/members of ESI Corporations for running a special Covid vaccination drive for ESI beneficiaries and their family members. At present, Govt. of India is providing Covid vaccines to the States, which in turn are finalizing Covid vaccination sites. Under the current arrangement, the Covid vaccination facility is not… Read more »

ESIC One time relaxation in contributory conditions for entitlement to receive medical benefits including super specialty Treatment

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 Good News from ESIC  As You are aware that during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, ESI Corporation has taken a number of measures so that IPsibeneficiaries face no difficulty in availing vinous benefits under ESI Scheme Since the start of nationwide lockdown in March 2020 last year, a number of ESI covered it were shut down… Read more »

Introduction Of Self-Declaration Form For Insured Woman Relating To Maternity Benefit Under ESI Scheme

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As per ESIC circular dated 18th July 2017, the ESIC has introduced a Self-declaration Form for the Insured Woman. The ESIC had noticed some instances, that the family particulars of IP/IW vary from those available in the IP portal which lead to undue benefit. In order to obviate this issue, it has been decided to… Read more »