Good News from ESIC
As You are aware that during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, ESI Corporation has taken a number of measures so that IPsibeneficiaries face no difficulty in availing vinous benefits under ESI Scheme
Since the start of nationwide lockdown in March 2020 last year, a number of ESI covered it were shut down resulting in non-payment of contribution towards ES! Scherrie. Such ESI beneficiaries may face difficulty in availing medical benefit/ reimbursement of medical claims due to non-contribution
Considering the potential hardship which may be faced by such beneficiaries it has been decided by the Competent Authority to grant one-time relaxation in entitlement criteria for ESIC Scheme Contribution while assessing eligibility for Medical benefits including Super specialty Treatment
For benefit, it will assume that contribution has also been received during the contributory benefit 1stApr 2020 to 30th Sep 2020 there is no break in the contribution of fund towards ESIC Scheme during this period
ESIC Covid Relaxation for the Period Apr-2020 to Sep-2020.pdf
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