Posted by & filed under Esic Benefits.

An office setting showing people engaged in the Aadhaar seeding process for ESIC. Some individuals are seated at computers, accessing the IP Portal for Aadhaar seeding. A few employees are helping others with the seeding process at designated stations. There is a banner in the background that reads 'Aadhaar Seeding for ESIC - Streamlining Benefits for All'. Additionally, a person is using a mobile app on their smartphone with 'AAA+ App' displayed on the screen. The environment is busy yet organized, reflecting a streamlined and efficient process.

Comprehensive Guide to Aadhaar Seeding for Insured Persons, ESIC Employees, and Pensioners


The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), under the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India, has rolled out significant measures to facilitate the Aadhaar seeding process for Insured Persons (IPs), ESIC employees, and pensioners. This comprehensive guide delves into the importance of Aadhaar seeding, the newly introduced provisions, and how they collectively enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of ESIC’s service delivery.

The Importance of Aadhaar Seeding

Aadhaar seeding refers to the process of linking Aadhaar numbers to various service databases. This linkage ensures a unique identity for each beneficiary, minimizing duplication and fraud. For ESIC beneficiaries, Aadhaar seeding is critical because it:

  1. Streamlines Verification:
    • Aadhaar serves as a universal identity proof, simplifying the verification process for availing ESIC benefits.
    • It eliminates the need for multiple documents, making the process more efficient and less cumbersome.
  2. Ensures Accurate Beneficiary Identification:
    • Accurate identification helps in the correct disbursement of benefits, ensuring that only eligible individuals receive the intended support.
    • It aids in maintaining a clean and updated database, which is crucial for policy planning and implementation.
  3. Enhances Service Delivery:
    • Linked Aadhaar numbers facilitate quicker processing of claims and benefits.
    • They ensure timely and direct benefit transfers, reducing delays and intermediaries.

Provisions Introduced by ESIC for Aadhaar Seeding

To make Aadhaar seeding as seamless as possible, ESIC has introduced several user-friendly provisions. These provisions cater to different user needs and technological capabilities, ensuring wide accessibility and convenience.

  1. IP Portal:
    • The IP Portal is an online platform where Insured Persons can seed their Aadhaar numbers and those of their family members.
    • Users need to access the “Aadhaar Seeding for IPs and Dependents” link on the portal.
    • The process involves entering the Aadhaar number and verifying it using an OTP sent to the registered mobile number by UIDAI.

Steps to Seed Aadhaar through IP Portal:

    • Log in to the IP Portal using your credentials.
    • Navigate to the “Aadhaar Seeding for IPs and Dependents” section.
    • Enter the Aadhaar number for yourself and your family members.
    • Verify the numbers using the OTP received from UIDAI.
    • Submit the details to complete the seeding process.
  1. Employer Portal:
    • Employers play a pivotal role in the Aadhaar seeding process. They can generate new Insurance Numbers for employees using their Aadhaar details.
    • Employers can seed Aadhaar numbers of existing IPs and their family members, either through OTP or biometric verification.

Steps for Employers:

    • Access the Employer Portal with your credentials.
    • For new employees, generate the Insurance Number by entering their Aadhaar details and completing OTP or biometric verification.
    • For existing employees, navigate to the Aadhaar seeding section and enter the Aadhaar details of the employees and their family members.
    • Complete the verification process and submit the details.
  1. Designated ESIC Facilities:
    • ESIC has designated Branch Offices, DCBOs, Dispensaries, and Hospitals as centers where IPs can seed their Aadhaar numbers.
    • These facilities are equipped to handle Aadhaar seeding for multiple individuals, ensuring that those without internet access can also complete the process.

Steps at ESIC Facilities:

    • Visit the nearest designated ESIC facility.
    • Provide your Aadhaar details to the staff.
    • Complete the OTP or biometric verification as guided by the staff.
    • Ensure all details are accurately recorded and verified.
  1. “AAA+” Mobile App:
    • The “AAA+” mobile app offers a highly convenient facility for Aadhaar seeding.
    • It supports both OTP and face authentication, providing an alternative for those facing issues with OTP.
    • The app can be used by both IPs and ESIC staff for Aadhaar seeding.

Steps to Use “AAA+” Mobile App:

    • Download and install the “AAA+” mobile app from the official app store.
    • Open the app and log in with your credentials.
    • Navigate to the Aadhaar seeding section.
    • Enter the Aadhaar details and choose the preferred verification method (OTP or face authentication).
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the verification process.

Addressing Local Challenges

To ensure the successful implementation of Aadhaar seeding, it is crucial to address local challenges that may hinder the process. Regional Offices (ROs) and Sub-Regional Offices (SROs) should focus on the following areas:

  1. Internet Connectivity:
    • Ensure stable and reliable internet connections to facilitate uninterrupted Aadhaar seeding.
    • Collaborate with local internet service providers to improve connectivity in remote areas.
  2. LAN Stability:
    • Maintain the stability of Local Area Networks (LAN) in all ESIC facilities to prevent disruptions during the seeding process.
  3. Equipment Condition:
    • Regularly check and update the hardware and software used for Aadhaar seeding.
    • Ensure all equipment is in good working condition to handle the seeding process efficiently.

By addressing these challenges, ROs and SROs can ensure a smooth and efficient Aadhaar seeding process.

Maximizing Efficiency

To maximize the efficiency of Aadhaar seeding, ROs and SROs are encouraged to use all available methods and adopt a flexible approach. If one method encounters technical issues, alternative methods should be employed to ensure continuity. This multi-pronged approach will help achieve the goal of comprehensive Aadhaar seeding.


The ESIC’s initiative to facilitate Aadhaar seeding is a significant step towards improving service delivery for Insured Persons, employees, and pensioners. By leveraging various portals and the “AAA+” mobile app, the process has been made more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly. This initiative not only streamlines the verification process but also ensures that the right beneficiaries receive their entitled benefits promptly.

For more detailed information and to start the Aadhaar seeding process, visit the ESIC website or download the “AAA+” mobile app today. By embracing these new measures, ESIC is committed to enhancing its service delivery and ensuring a better experience for all its beneficiaries.

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