As per notification published in the Goa Official Gazette dated 4th January 2018, the Government of Goa has changed the fees for license, renewal of license and has extended the period of license renewal from five years to ten years. In case of a factory coming within the scope of the Act, where the application for registration and grant of license is made after the commencement of the manufacturing process, the occupier and manager, from the date of commencement of the manufacturing process till the date of submission of application for registration and grant of license, shall be liable to pay additional fee at the rate of two hundred percent of the fees payable per year. In case of closure of factory, along with notice of closure information sent shall be accompanied by a treasury receipt or an invoice for book adjustment, as the case may be, for payment of the fees due to be paid, if any, till the date of closure and a declaration stating that there is no presence of hazardous chemicals in the premises of the closed factory or the said hazardous chemicals have been shifted/disposed off in accordance with the relevant rules in force
Notification:- Goa Factories License Fees Changes
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