Chhattisgarh Minimum wages Hiked from 1st Apr 2016 to 30th Sep-2016 the rate of the following industry is mentioned below:-
Blanket Manufacturing/
Bone Mills
Brick Kilns
Cement pole or manufacture of cement products
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
Constructions, and maintenance of Irrigation works
Cotton Ginning and Pressing
Engineering Industry
Food Products
Forest and Forestry
Fuel Coke
Handloom Industry
Katha Industry
Khandsari Industry
Kosa Industry
Lime Kiln
Murra Peha Industry
Oil Mills
Plastic Industry
Power Loom
Printing Press
Public Motor Transport
Ramraj or Geru
Rice Mill, Flour Mill, or Dal Mill
Road Construction, maintenance operation
Saw Mill
Shop Commercial establishment, Hotels and Restaurants
Slate Pencil Manufactory
Stone breaking or stone crushing
Tobacco (including Beedi making) Manufactory
Tiles Manufacturer
Blanket Manufacturing/
Bone Mills
Brick Kilns
Cement pole or manufacture of cement products
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
Constructions, and maintenance of Irrigation works
Cotton Ginning and Pressing
Engineering Industry
Food Products
Forest and Forestry
Fuel Coke
Handloom Industry
Katha Industry
Khandsari Industry
Kosa Industry
Lime Kiln
Murra Peha Industry
Oil Mills
Plastic Industry
Power Loom
Printing Press
Public Motor Transport
Ramraj or Geru
Rice Mill, Flour Mill, or Dal Mill
Road Construction, maintenance operation
Saw Mill
Shop Commercial establishment, Hotels and Restaurants
Slate Pencil Manufactory
Stone breaking or stone crushing
Tobacco (including Beedi making) Manufactory
Tiles Manufacturer
Notification:-Minimum wages 01.04.2016-Chattisgarh
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