Posted by & filed under Grautity.

FORM ‘U’ ABSTRACT OF THE ACT AND RULES   1.   Extent the Act.—The Act extends to the whole of India:       Provided that in so far as it relates to plantations a ports, it shall not extent to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Section 1(2).   2.      To whom the Act Applies.— The Act… Read more »

Abstract of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936

Posted by & filed under Payment of Wages Act.

  Abstract of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and the Rules made thereunder   Whom the Act affects 1.                The Act applies to the payment of wages to persons in the factory or industrial establishment receiving less than Rs. 400 a month. 2.                No employed person can give up by contract, or agreement, his… Read more »

Faq On Leave Travel Allowance

Posted by & filed under Income Tax.

Leave Travel Allowance Que.: What is an LTA? Ans.:- An LTA is the remuneration paid by an employer for Employee’s travel in the country, when he is on leave with the family or alone. LTA amount is tax free.   Que.: Who can claim for an LTA? Ans.: If an employee is able to furnish… Read more »

E-Passbook for provident fund account holders

Posted by & filed under Provident Fund - (Notification -Circulars).

A new facility has been introduced by the provident fund organization. Now the account holder of provident fund can download electronic passbook of their account. This facility is for the active account holder. This will help over 50 million provident fund subscribers who can access their account and download passbook and statement online. The subscribers,… Read more »

Brief Note on Provident Fund Benefits & Withdrawals

Posted by & filed under Provident Fund Benefits.

Immediate settlement without waiting period of 2 months  Settlement only after a waiting period of two months 69(1)(a) Retirement after attaining 55 years of age. 69(1)(e)(i) transfer of a non retrenched employee from a closed establishment to uncovered establishment. 69(1)(b) Retirement on account of total and permanent incapacity due to bodily or mental infirmity …. Read more »